Saturday 29 June 2024, 09:30
Venue:- Weatherstones Nursing home Chester High Road, Neston, Wirral CH64 7TD ASSESSOR: - Allyson Tohme KCAI Adv Working Trials Cost: - £20 per person *If you are new to trials this will be really informative and helpful. *If you want to judge this is a must. *If you are actively judging and want to refresh your knowledge, please attend. ***All will be welcome. You will need to do the online KENNEL CLUB RULES AND REGULATION EXAM before attendance, which is free. Details will be sent when booking confirmed. Closing date for applications: - Saturday 15th June 2024 Please bring refreshments and a chair. (If weather suitable we will be outside) Dogs can attend but will not be worked. Please send application to Chris Davis, Highcroft, 5 Mere Lane, Heswall, Wirral. CH60 6RR 0151 342 5009 / 07713463140 Payment by cheque or BACS,