From Monday 29 July 2024
To Thursday 01 August 2024
At: Ravenscar, Scarborough:
TD Rita Kidson
WD Julz Findeisen
WD / TD £24.00
Fully paid up members may deduct £2 from the entry fee
Trials Manager: Mr B Gilbert, Lindum, Horsegatefield Road, Goxhill, N Lincs, DN19 7NN. Tel: 01469 531301
To enter by post, send your entry form to the Trials Manager. Please enclose SAE and cheque made payable to ASPADS.
To enter online, email your entry form to the Trials Manager, , and make payment by BACS.
A/c Name: A S P A D S Working Trials Society (Business Account)
Sort Code: 09-01-53
A/c No: 48073283
Ref: Surname (Last name) + Trial location (Scar Op)
For Schedules and/or Membership Information (S.A.E. please)
Contact: Hon Sec: Judy Meekings, 189 Guildford Road, Lightwater, GU18 5RB.
Tel: 01276 475225 Mob: 07795 086843 Email: