From Friday 14 February 2025
To Sunday 16 February 2025
At: Northumberland Canine Centre,
West Moor, Felton, NE65 9QE
PD Di Ling
TD Nosework Jackie Hilton
WD Nosework Fay Rae
UD Nosework Veronica Errington
CD, C&A Ray Lea
TD & PD £24.00
WD/UD £22.00
CD £17.00
ENTRIES TO: - Jacquie Hall, 3 Little Mill Farm Cottages, Howick, NE66 3LL
Cheques payable to: North East Counties Working Trials Society Please enclose s.a.e.
Entries will also be accepted by e-mail to :
With a Bacs payment to Sort Code 30-93-55 Account No. 01456507
Please put your surname and stake as reference.