Yorkshire WTS
TD Winner
Jayne Lewis & WT Ch Littlemiss Rhynston Wren
Full Results
1st and CC. Jayne Lewis & WT Ch Littlemiss Rhynston Wren 213
2nd and Res CC. Pat Parkinson & WT Ch Janjelly Bubbles 208
3rd Sally Rose & Coppinschase Taaka Graf TDex 196.5
4th Steph Gorden & Mabels Maytime Tipple, TDex 195.5
Also qualified TDEx:
Nicola Crowther & Sorrels Storm TDex, 192.5
Jo McQuat & Skipmyre Majestic Star, TDex, 189
Judith Stamp & Briony Beccadoon TDex, 187
Anne Thorpe & Stardell Hati Over Dalemain TDex, 186
1st Amanda Ward,& Flash Harry Makes Me Smile. Q 186
2nd Jenifer Holt,& Bayliss Taff Of Beelaholt, Q161
3rd Christine Davis & Fachell Wren Hesslemere Nq 170
4th Kathryn Settrey & Lady De L’Isle, Nq 166.5
1st Samantha Watkins & Stardell Nix Q194
2nd Dave Stretch & Ceri Fach Ap Concenn CDex Q 180
3rd Elaine Edwards & Harlane Shadee Ladee Nq 186
4th John Tait & Pinfold Jess Nq 185.5
1st Jenny Miller & Mr Bertie Bear Nq 80.5
2nd Holly Wright & Greenhow Blaze At Reinsense Nq 78.5
3rd Sarah Davis & Melanitta Sinamay Nq 61
4th Cath Chawick & Borderbears Sorpressa Nq 48.5